Updated with an translation from DI. This does not look good...
Reuters also has a short news piece about the new stop. Reuters has now written a bigger piece.
No, this isn't a blog entry from last week that has been reposted. There was another stop at Saab earlier today. And just like last week, the stop was due to problems with the supplies. And according to suppliers, the problem is still unpaid bill.
DI has some news and statements on the stop:
Another stop at Saab
Supply disruptions at Saab Automobile in Trollhättan continues. On Tuesday morning the production stopped once again at the line at the factory because of material shortages, said TV 4 News West.
- It is true that we have a shortage of some components, says Gunilla Gustavs from Saab's communications department.
Saab's explanation is the same as during last week's turmoil, that the company is negotiating with suppliers.
- This kind of stops in deliveries can happen from time to time, says Gunilla Gustavs.
The message from the subcontractors are quite different. It's still about unpaid bills.
- I have been told that at least four to five suppliers have stopped their supplies because they have not been paid. What Saab says is pure bullshit, says Svenåke Berglie, president of FKG which organizes the subcontractors.
This stop is the third for Saab in one week. On Monday Saab's chairman and powerful man Victor Muller called the problems with the suppliers a "morning cold"
Svenåke Berglie thinks that Saab's behavior is completely incomprehensible.
- They make it appear as if it is the suppliers fault and therefore we have to react so strongly. We have bloody well been there for Saab.
He thinks that Saab should tell it like it is. Anyone can experience temporary financial problems and then you have to find solutions.
- You win on honesty. Now, if Saab wants to get down on the knees and beg for payment plans, they should say so. But Saab has chosen the wrong strategy. If you chose to try to disguise the reality, them you should do it in a way so that people can't see the disguise, he notes.
According to the information Berglie has, it is not about suppliers trying to improve terms.
- They have not been paid. If you have not paid your bills, you have to expect that the suppliers will respond. Many of them have a strained financial situation, he says.
Berglie does not agree with the Saab management's opinion that the media has blown the problems out of proportion.
- Saab has gotten into this themselves. It is not the media's fault, he says.