Updated with news from Svenska Dagbladet that the factory will restart next week.
A recap of what's written in Swedish media today about Saab's work to raise more.
Lars Carlström, spokesman for Vladimir Antonov in Sweden, says that GM is now welcoming Antonov as a part owner in Saab. Now it's only up to the Swedish National Debt Office (NDO) and government, and possibly the European Investment Bank (EIB). But since the EIB loan is guaranteed by the NBO, I assume that the EIB will most likely have no objections.
Which leads us over to the guarantee. It is reported that Saab's assets are valued to much more than the EIB loan, and therefore there is no reason for the NDO to tie up all Saab's assets as collateral for the guarantee. Some of the assets should be made available as collateral for other loans.
Dagens Industri writes that an alternative to loans is to get capital from external investors. Victor Muller is said to be in discussing with two companies.
These loans or invested capital could let Saab pay the suppliers. It is reported by Swedish Radio that the debts to the suppliers are about SEK 100 million. Because of the uncertainty about Saab's financial state, the suppliers now want to give Saab shorter payment periods. And that would of course mean even more pressure on Saab's cash situation. A vicious circle.
Svenska Dagbladet writes that the factory will restart next week. This according to Gunilla Gustavs at Saab. But the condition is that a long-term solution has been found. Gustavs also says that there will be no problem to catch up on the production that has been lost the past week.
Can Gunilla Gustavs statement be taken as a good sign?