Tata Motors of India bought Jaguar Land Rover from Ford in 2008. The first year they lost more than $500 million. But from there on the arrows have pointed upwards. They are proof that you can survive producing less than one million cars each year. Or as Adrian Hallmark, former Saab executive and now Jaguar Brand Director says on the question if you need to make six million cars each year:
You do, if they're €10,000 ($14,200) a piece.
There are some similarities between Jaguar Land Rover and Saab: Both had more or less a brand new line up when they were sold. Both depend heavily on their former owner for technology and components. And there are of course many many differences as well. And the WSJ article has some comments about Saab's struggle, but all in all I find this article very encouraging to read! So check it out.