Here's a teaser from the review:
In the ride and handling department this Saab is top drawer – absolutely more fun to drive than an Audi A6 and BMW 5 Series, both of which are suffocated by over-technology. In the 9-5 you are much more involved – a driver, rather than a passive passenger.
So check it out and enjoy!
Also worth noting from today on the positive side is that Saab last week made an exclusive deal with Zhongji Leye Auto Sales Co. for the distribution and sale of Saab cars in China. Zhongji Leye Auto Sales Co is a subsidiary of Pang Da Automobile Trade Co, which of course is planing to become part owner of Saab. In other words, progress is being done despite all that's happening. Thank's to TTAero for the heads up.
And let's stay in China for the next note too. Just-auto reports that Youngman sees no problem with getting their planned investment in Saab approved. They have already done much work with the provincial government and expect the central government to find no problems with the plans:
"Youngman is still confident to cooperate with Saab - all the documents are fully prepared," Youngman project director Rachel Pang told just-auto.
"I can't say when approval will be given. The only thing I can say is so far all the work Youngman has done with the provincial government is going very well. The central government will spend some time to investigate - we don't see any problem."
And finally, at Saab Great Britain it is business as usual. They have enough right-hand drive cars in stock and keep on as usual.
“We had a really good stock and variety, and we've still got stock in the UK so it's business as usual,” said a Saab spokeswoman told BusinessCar.