Another week is passing by without any big news on the sale of the Saab bankruptcy estate. Waiting for news and a definite solution is something we Saab enthusiasts have gotten used to. I remember last year when one deadline to "save Saab" was set and passed after the other. So while we wait let's see what a few people familiar with Saab thinks about Saab's chances of survival and revival.
Svenska Dagbladet asked Victor Muller earlier this week if Saab is history.
"No, no. First of all, there are people working to sell the assets. I don't think we will ever see Saab revived to what it once was, given GM's unwillingness to supply the licenses. That's a setback to all potential buyers. But even though the brand has been ravaged by the bankruptcy, Saab is still an iconic brand. And you can not wipe that out overnight," Victor Muller said.
But what are the chances for Saab?
"I have no more information than you have but maybe 50 percent. My hope is that Youngman, Mahindra or someone else succeed in buying Saab," Muller said.
Finally, Muller told Svenska Dagbladet what he believes are most important to make Saab a success.
"Nurishing the brand's core values. Saab is the most beautiful car brand available and it would take very little to bring the brand back on track if you just allowed it to have its identity back. A new Saab 9-3, or 900 like we would have called it, would have meant a great new future for the company," said Muller.
Another man with much experience from Saab, i.e. 32 years working for Saab, is former union boss at Saab and today's Mayor of Trollhättan, Paul Åkerlund. He has a strong belief that Saab will be saved.
"I still think we will see something at the end of April – I really think there is a chance to save the company," Paul Åkerlund told just-auto.
"I have met Youngman a couple of times – I think they are serious," he said and continued "They have worked very, very hard for a long time to buy Saab. I have seen a lot of plans – they are realistic in their thinking."
According to just-auto, representatives of Youngman arrived in Gothenburg this week and are believed to be holding talks with the bankruptcy administrators.
"I think they know what they are doing," Åkerlund added.